Managed FAQs


We offer monthly and yearly plans. You can easily cancel or renew service at any time.


A revision is a change or addition to your website. These include written content, images, promotional popups, and form edits using the Launchmo platform design tools.

A revision does not include the creation of new pages or a new website design.

You can get more revisions by upgrading your plan.

Revisions are completed in 2-4 business days.

Edit Website

Yes, you are free to edit your website. You will be sent login credentials after your website is launched.

Ecommerce Selling

Yes, each plan we offer allows you to sell products on your website.

Launchmo integrates with Stripe to process payments. We will set up your Stripe account for you. Stripe payment processing fees are 2.9% per transaction + 30 cents.


Yes, each plan we offer comes with a Google Workspace account, which includes a business Gmail account. This type of Gmail account allows you to have an email address.

Plan Upgrade or Downgrade

You can upgrade your plan through your Launchmo account or by contacting us and requesting an upgrade.

You downgrade your plan by contacting us and requesting a downgrade.


Yes, you are free to cancel your Launchmo account at anytime.

You can cancel your account by logging into your account dashboard or by contacting us and requesting cancelation.

Your website will be locked and will remain on our servers for 120 days after you cancel. During those 120 days you have the opportunity to renew your account and bring your website back live.

After 120 days, your website will be permanently deleted from our server.